As the PL-606 has the same antenna jack as the PL-310ET I though I'd take a look and see how easy it would be to carry out the modification. Actually more straightforward on this set. Unfortunately, when I removed the rear cover, I found the internal ferrite bar in two pieces. I've repaired this using superglue which has worked for me on other ferrite rods. The end results on LW are as impressive as the 310. On MW, despite trying two different coils (500ĀµH and 200ĀµH), results at the lower end of the band showed an improvement but at the top end the performance appeared worser than the internal ferrite bar. Conclusion? Definately needs the mod for LW but quite adequate for MW.
Shortwave listening and technology musings mainly using a selection of portable radios from the trailing edge of technology. You may find the odd SDR starts to creep in too.